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Online Hippology Contest

See how well you know your equine facts. Must be a current AHA member to compete and awards will be provided to champion and reserve champion in each division. 


This will be available as you have time to take the tests but must be completed in one sitting. There is no time limit for the contest. Results will be emailed to you after the conclusion of the contest.



  • 10 & Under - 10 multiple choice questions, 1 station, 1 judging class
  • 11-14 - 20 multiple choice questions, 2 stations, 1 judging class
  • 15-18 - 30 multiple choice, 2 stations, 2 judging classes
  • 19 & Over - 40 multiple choice, 2 stations, 2 judging classes


Contest will run February 10th - 17th. 

(enter here during the above dates)



Coloring Contest

Share your creative touch in our coloring contest!


  • Must be an AHYA member to participate.
  • All entries must be submitted by end of day March 17th.
  • Submissions will be judged on quality and creativity of your coloring.
  • Awards will be handed out to the winner of each division: 10 and Under, 11-14, 15-18.

(will open at the beginning of March)

Coloring Sheet


Submit Your Entry


Writing Prompt Contest

Writing Prompt

During the Month of January we will be having a writting prompt challenge. Must be an AHYA member to participate and all entries must be submitted by end of day January 20th. Submissions will be judged on quality of writing and creativity of your story. Awards will be handed out to the winner of each division: 10 and Under, 11-14, 15-18.


Email with any questions


Discovery Farm

If you’ve never encountered an Arabian horse up close, start your adventure by visiting a Discovery Farm. This unique program offers you the opportunity to explore Arabian horses at farms where knowledgeable owners are delighted to introduce you to their horses and answer questions in a relaxed, no-pressure, non-sales atmosphere. You’ll learn all about the breed characteristics, and gain first hand knowledge of what makes this breed truly special. There are hundreds of Discovery Farms across the country and you can easily locate several near you.


Find a Discovery Farm


Coloring Pages
  • Other items that can be mailed to you include:
    • Breed Ideal Flyer
    • Color and Marking Guide
    • Disciplines Descriptions Flyer
    • Previous Issues of Arabian Horse Life
    • Breed Brochure

For mailing requests and cost information please email